Read samples paragraphs from the first chapter of each novella!
First Novella Chapter I...
In the beginning, there was God. And the universe did
not yet exist, the only Light was God. Then, He expanded
Himself, thus creating the universe and all things in it.
And He and His Angels have watched over it ever since. One
planet they watched in particular was a blue and green
planet simply known as Earth. Many wonderful and
fascinating creatures lived together on this planet. But
little did they know that they were about to become
involved in a long struggle between two other planets that
had been going on for many years...
Second Novella Chapter I...
The year was 2002. The month was January. The day was the 29th. What day was it? My birthday of course! But
how was I celebrating this day? Well, since I was now 16 years of age, my Mom, her siblings, and Master Mantecado
had quite a surprise in store for me. They took me to Evensongland to some sort of mysterious white stone temple
set into a large mountain. I asked them what was going on, but they all said the same thing: “Wait for it.”
Third Novella Chapter I...
On January 29th of year 2003, I became a Perfect Sky Fighter. I was now at Hunter Species at Level 61. All of the other Sky Fighters were getting
stronger as well. Barry Watts now had wings and he gave me access to a choice of one of two new Sky Fighter Skills available at my Level. I could
either select Survival or Sharp Eyes. I somehow felt that Sharp Eyes was more important and cooler than Survival. So, I selected Sharp Eyes. Barry
took me over to Cannibal Island. This would be the second time I would be visiting this rather odd island of sorts. The Cannibals there somehow
‘operated’ on my eyes and enhanced my vision capabilities. I could now see farther than I could before.
Shown below is a map, which reveals who has been here to see the Sky Fighters...